Friday, April 20, 2012


As this is my final blog post on the Temple of Amun-Re at Karnak, I want to just discuss the temple as a whole and what I learned about it. While last semester I took a class about Ancient Egypt, we did not spend very much time talking about this temple, over this semester I have got the chance to take a long look at it and research every part of the temple. I learned a lot. In my Egypt class we really only discussed the importance of Amun-Re and never talked about the other precincts in the temple. I found the Amunhotep 4 and Mut areas to be very interesting. I never knew that Mut's importance level changed over time and she eventually joined the Enneud. It is also interesting to learn that they completely demolished Amunhotep 4 precinct and use the stones to build more in the main temple complex. It is also amazing to think that archeologists were able to find these pieces in the wall and recreate some of the walls from the Amunhotep temple. The amount of time spent excavating this temple is amazing, and they are still finding new things today, like how they recently discovered the two mile long row of sphinxes that form a road connecting the Luxor Temple to the Karnak Temple. The fact that just today they could find something as amazing as that is crazy and is the reason I am interested in archaeology. You never know what you mind find.

1 comment:

  1. I loved your entire blog. Every single post was great. The Temple of Amun at Karnak is such a massive complex and you did an awesome job covering it. Personally, it is one of my favorite temple sites out of any culture. The fact that even Alexander the Great added to it just like all the kings did is so interesting. The site is like a legacy of the kings of Egypt. I would love to visit it some day and see all the things you were talking about in person.

    You did an awesome job! Thanks for giving me so much more information on my favorite site.
